The Economist: Global business barometer
25/02/2013 | Autor theophyle Categorii: Economie, Politeia Digest |
Business people have turned bullish everywhere except eastern Europe, according to the latest Economist/FT survey. Overall confidence, measured as the balance of respondents who think global business conditions will improve against those who expect them to get worse, rose from a dismal minus 11 percentage points in the last quarter of 2012 to plus seven in the first quarter of 2013. That pushes the barometer into positive territory for the first time since 2011. Executives in the Middle East and Africa are particularly upbeat—more than a third believe business conditions will improve over the next six months. Those in transport and tourism are the most optimistic; those in technology and the public sector, the least. Overall, four out of five executives think the euro crisis is not yet over. On banking regulation, more than half of respondents say it has not gone far enough. Still, growing optimism should feed through to jobs. Nearly half of firms expect to have more employees by next January compared with only a fifth who expect to have fewer.
The Economist/FT global business barometer is a survey conducted four times a year by the Economist Intelligence Unit in order to gauge trends in business confidence. Based on the responses of more than 1,500 senior executives, it measures overall confidence by looking at the balance of those who think global business conditions will improve over the next six months against those who expect them to worsen. Our interactive barometer allows you to track business sentiment over time. You can look at the results by region or industry. The “in focus” section highlights responses to topical supplementary questions each quarter. Source: The Economist
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