Articole pe subiectul: Stratfor

George Friedman, cate sonde Chevron ai dumneata in fata casei? Bonus: Sondaj Politeia

Rar mi-a fost dat sa vad un lobby facut atat de grotesc, atat de primitiv, atat de desantat si atat de sfidator la adresa unui popor, a unor proprietari, a unei Constitutii si a oricaror reguli de bun simt. Iar cand lobby-ul este facut de titratul George Friedman, seful si fondatorul prestigioasei agentii Stratfor, impresia de revolta si de greata […] Continuare…

Borderland: România

Rezumat-extrase Articolul a fost publicat de Stratfor in luna Noiembrie 2010. Originalul in limba engleza poate fi citit pe Politeia Digest. Nimic in istoria proprie nu le spune romanilor ca guverneaza soarta lor. Trecutul este o lectie despre cum soarta ii stapaneste pe ei sau cum sufletul lor este captivul istoriei. Ca natiune, romanii au sperante modeste si asteptari temperate de […] Continuare…

Stratfor: Keeping the NSA in Perspective

“Keeping the NSA in Perspective is republished with permission of Stratfor.” By George Friedman  Versiunea romaneasca – Stratfor: PRISM – temeri justificabile.  In June 1942, the bulk of the Japanese fleet sailed to seize the Island of Midway. Had Midway fallen, Pearl Harbor would have been at risk and U.S. submarines, unable to refuel at Midway, would have been much […] Continuare…

Stratfor: PRISM – Origini defensive, viitor periculos

Vezi versiunea originala in limba engleza. În cel de-Al Doilea Război Mondial, avantajul spargerii codurilor japoneze şi germane, i-a învăţat pe americani despre necesitatea informaţiilor secrete. În cazul în care nu s-ar fi decriptat codurile, finalul războiului ar fi arătat altfel. Deşi la început se ghidau după principiul că „un domn nu deschide scrisorile altcuiva“, într-un final americanii au devenit […] Continuare…

Geopolitical Journey: The Search for Belonging and Ballistic Missile Defense in Romania

“Geopolitical Journey: The Search for Belonging and Ballistic Missile Defense in Romania is republished with permission of  Stratfor.” By George Friedman During the Cold War, Romania confused all of us. Long after brutality in other communist countries declined, Romania remained a state that employed levels of violence best compared to North Korea today. Nicolae Ceausescu, referred to by admirers as […] Continuare…

Stratfor: The Acute Jihadist Threat in Europe

“The Acute Jihadist Threat in Europe is republished with permission of Stratfor.”.” By Scott Stewart, Vice President of Analysis, and Sidney Brown On March 26, the Belgian federal police’s counterterrorism force, or Special Units, conducted a felony car stop on Hakim Benladghem, a 39-year-old French citizen of Algerian extraction. When Benladghem reacted aggressively, he was shot and killed by the […] Continuare…

Stratfor: Beyond the Post-Cold War World

“Beyond the Post-Cold War World is republished with permission of Stratfor.” By George Friedman Founder and Chairman An era ended when the Soviet Union collapsed on Dec. 31, 1991. The confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union defined the Cold War period. The collapse of Europe framed that confrontation. After World War II, the Soviet and American armies […] Continuare…

Stratfor – Greek’s Radical Left: The Dangers of the Disaffected and the Unemployed

“Greek’s Radical Left: The Dangers of the Disaffected and the Unemployed is republished with permission of Stratfor.”” By Scott Stewart Vice President of Analysis In last week’s Geopolitical Weekly, George Friedman discussed how the global financial crisis has caused a global unemployment crisis and how Europe has become the epicenter of that crisis. He also noted that rampant unemployment will […] Continuare…

Stratfor: Europe, Unemployment and Instability

“Europe, Unemployment and Instability is republished with permission of Stratfor.” By George Friedman Founder and Chairman The global financial crisis of 2008 has slowly yielded to a global unemployment crisis. This unemployment crisis will, fairly quickly, give way to a political crisis. The crisis involves all three of the major pillars of the global system — Europe, China and the […] Continuare…

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